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What You Should Know

The property or land being obtained can have many owners over its existence and requires a detailed examination of historical records concerning the property. The purpose of the search will provide information regarding the seller’s rights to transfer ownership and discover any claims, rights, or defects associated with the property. Some hidden hazards include fraud and forgery. For example, the legal owner may have incorrectly disclosed his marital status and have a marriage mate, resulting in a possible claim by their legal spouse. There are endless possibilities with issues that could arise. Purchasing owner’s title insurance is a one-time fee that protects your investment for as long as you and your heirs own the property.

Is it important to get Title Insurance?

Title Insurance protects lenders and buyers from financial loss due to defects in a title to a property. The most common claims filed against a title are back taxes, liens, and conflicting wills.

What is Title Insurance and why do I need it?

To put it simply, Title Insurance is a way to protect yourself from financial loss and related legal expenses.

What can happen if I don’t have title insurance?

If you take out a mortgage loan when you buy your property, your lender will require a loan policy of title insurance. This protects the lender's interest in your property until your loan is paid off or refinanced. On the other hand, an owner's policy of title insurance insures your ownership rights to the property.

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